A Virginia based Bankruptcy Law Firm. Initially we have done website audit and worked on improving their Rankings, traffic and Conversion. We undertook extensive research and considered medium competition keywords with high search volume. Our Suggestions were based on some previously targeted terms, medium to Low competition, which have some decent searches as well. During this new research, we shared a few fantastic keywords that not only start ranking but also helped to draw more relative traffic on website and increase conversion overall. We have analyzed and submitted all toxic/bad backlinks in disavow file in webmaster tool. This helped in overall SEO of the website. We have worked towards page speed optimizations, resolved crawl errors, broken links, etc.
A Fayetville, NC based a Commercial and Residential Roofing Company, which has been revamped and optimised for organic results at our end. In SEO We have worked towards resolved crawl errors, broken links, etc. We setup relevant goals, event tracking to track relevant the website is receiving through various channels.
We also perform regular backlink audits to remove all toxic backlinks and keep the spam score at the lowest.
We are still in process of revamping the website , however from what we have we can see some very good Organic conversions which is great! Organic Goal completions increase by more than 109%. In the last 6 months, the website has observed over 10% growth in the number of sessions as compared to the previous year.
Due to very less digital presence and non mobile friendly website, The Winehouse was losing potential customers with local competition. Partnering with Digital Dynamics WSI enabled them to "go digital" with their customer acquisition activities. After new website launch bookings increased by over 80% and results which generated a significant revenue boost for the restaurant and allowed them to recoup costs they had invested in the business.
DC Trails is the premier Washington DC day tour charter and tour bus company, operating in Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia, We have done the redesining of the website to make it more user and mobile - friendly with various booking options. The company partnered with Digital Dynamics to expand its reach through targeted campaigns, improve its website’s performance organically and drive more sales through variouschannels. Leveraging the power of Search Engine Optimization and Social Media, we built a strategy to identify the opportunity for consistent sales.
Virtuous Dance Center is a local business that was looking to improve their website design to better showcase their work and enhance their good reputation. Since partnering with Digital Dynamics WSI, they have launched a brand new website with better customer experience and a competitive SEO strategy, same has dramatically increase the number of targeted visitors to their newly designed website. Inquiries coming from their website continue to grow year over year and continue to reach new heights.